Friday, March 11, 2011

11 de Marzo 2011

In a general update, Mari is still draining her cyst. She visited the hospital again this morning and they chose to keep the wound open to allow it to cleanse. But, I must say, the cyst has reduced once again to its normal size, isnt red and infected any more, and doesnt have the biting pain it once inflicted. I believe on Monday, they will remove all the bandages for good to allow it to heal up before they operate the total removal.

Unfortunately, Mari is beset with another ailment. She caught the flu I believe, as opposed to food poisoning, as she was up most of last night vomiting and taken with fever. Poor Mari, she cant seem to catch a break healthwise.

Its now 10:42 am on Friday, I am watching the news about the horrific earthquake in Japan, and Mari has crawled back in bed to get some rest.

I want to wish my Mom a happy 61st Birthday today, March 11th 2011. I love her and wish her the best from down here in the southern hemisphere.

That new movie about space invaders comes out today here, in spanish its called "Invasion del Mundo - Batalla Los Angeles". It looks like a good, shoot em up action movie to see to help celebrate my moms bday.


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