Wednesday, January 26, 2011

26 de Enero 2011

Mari and I left Ometepe this morning. Hopping on the ferry back to San Jorge (60 cordoba each), where we caught a taxi back to the Rivas bus teminal (20 cordobas each), where we caught a bus to San Juan del Sur (15 cordobas). 190 codobas = $8.60 USD. Not bad for a ferry, taxi, and bus.

San Juan del Sur is on the Pacific Ocean (its nice to be back) and its our first time back on the Pacific in just under 3 months, as our 3 month traveling anniversary is right around the corner. This place is fairly gringo-fied, and it took us a while of bypassing $70 hotels til we found one in our budget. We are staying at a place named Casa 28 for $14 a night. You can tell when you are back in traveler destinations when the prices are quoted in $USD's.

Anyway, the beach is a fine silty sand, sorta muddy and clayey, but still soft and beautiful. The water is a greenish blue hue and swimmable. The harbor is full of boats rocking and swaying with the tide, and the sunset was beautifully orange and brilliant.

I believe I am catching a cold (unbelievable!!!!) as I have a sore throat and my head feels a bit light. Mari is getting hungry. So its time to say goodnight and go prepare some dinner and tea.


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